As a manager of a well-oiled fleet, you need to interpret vast amounts of data to make sound decisions about everything from budgeting to hiring to safety. But it’s not an easy or quick task to make sense of every data point on your own. You need a partner—a co-pilot—to help you analyze the troves of information that enter your fleet management system.

That’s where artificial intelligence (AI) fleet analytics come in. AI-based fleet analytics transform raw data into valuable insights that empower you to streamline your operations and increase your fleet’s productivity. Read on to get a comprehensive grasp of AI fleet analytics and how to effectively use your data.

Understanding What AI Fleet Analytics Can Do for Your Fleet

Transportation and logistics are fast-paced industries that require real-time data analysis—an achievable capability using AI fleet analytics. Here’s what you can do with this technology:

Gain a deeper understanding of your fleet: AI fleet analytics provide a wealth of data about your entire fleet operation. With features like fleet tracking, managers gain insight into a vehicle’s location, start and stop time, and operating personnel. Additionally, precise HD-quality dash cam video captures what drivers face on the road.

black and white road map with green markers that track truck stops and deliveries

Netradyne’s Driver•i fleet tracking

Make informed decisions about maintenance and training: AI algorithms make accurate predictions based on collected data. These algorithms determine when a vehicle needs maintenance ahead of schedule, allowing you to stay on top of repairs and compliance requirements. 

Algorithms also analyze fuel consumption patterns (e.g., harsh braking, idling, or rapid acceleration), enabling managers to provide targeted training to correct driver behavior and reduce fuel waste.

Unlock cost-saving opportunities: Reducing fuel waste directly translates into cost-savings—another area supported by AI fleet analytics as fleet managers use them to gain insight into operational inefficiencies. For example, analytics help you optimize routes, resulting in better fuel economy and driver productivity.

pink piggy bank with coins on a white background

Pink piggy bank with coins on white surface

Enhance customer satisfaction: Happy customers are the core of a successful fleet operation. As you optimize routes and delivery times using AI fleet analytics, you’re better able to provide tracking information and establish strong communication with customers. Exceeding their expectations cements their loyalty. 

Anticipate future needs: As AI fleet analytics keep you up-to-date on maintenance and repair data, you’re better able to predict the lifecycle of your vehicles. With this foresight, you can plan and budget for repairs or eventual replacement well in advance. 

Moreover, this technology identifies trends and demand patterns, empowering your fleet to proactively prepare for and meet customer demands without compromising delivery times. AI can also forecast weather changes—offering insights into areas with a higher likelihood of accidents or breakdowns.

Gain insight into safe driving habits: AI fleet analytics provide important information about a driver’s safety performance. AI-based fleet management systems like Netradyne’s deliver in-vehicle alerts to drivers so they can self-correct, and they also send data to fleet managers to keep them in-the-know. 

How to Make Sense of AI Fleet Analytics Data

Unlock the power of AI fleet analytics by using a roadmap that helps you turn data into actionable insights:

Start by establishing the purpose of your fleet management analytics initiative: Before relying on a tool to help with data analysis, get clear on your objectives. For example, if your goal is to reduce maintenance costs, you’ll need to see historical data related to vehicle breakdowns, maintenance schedules, and repairs. Establishing your analytical goals helps you to maximize your use of the technology and prioritize areas of concern. 

Identify and recruit a team of analysts: To truly leverage the decision-making power provided by AI fleet analytics, you’ll want to recruit a team of analysts with experience in fleet management analytics. A skilled data analyst identifies trends and patterns hidden in raw data. Their expertise helps you make sense of the information that comes in from your fleet management system, which can often be overwhelming.

Build an analytical infrastructure: In fleet management, data is a currency, which is why you need a robust infrastructure to help you collect, store, and retrieve data from various sources. Cloud-based platforms allow you to access data anywhere, and they integrate with your vehicle’s onboard sensors to capture real-time data and support seamless communication between drivers and managers.

Dive into the data: Your analysts will then parse the data according to your goals. For instance, if you aim to reduce fuel consumption, the data analyst examines the data to see which driving behavior contributes to the problem (e.g., excessive idling or speeding). By identifying the root cause of fuel waste, the analyst can then recommend changes such as implementing or reinforcing driver training programs to address it.

Leverage data to communicate with your drivers and stakeholders: Effective communication is critical for generating change within your organization. To ensure that everyone is receptive to your proposed changes, you need to be able to illustrate why the changes are necessary—using the data. Showing the connection between the data (like fuel waste) and proposed changes (training and route optimization) lets drivers and stakeholders see how certain behaviors impact the fleet’s performance. 

Types of Reporting Available Through AI Fleet Analytics

AI helps you automate the analysis of a diverse range of data points to gain a comprehensive view of both fleet safety and compliance.

Fleet Safety Reports

These reports include a compilation of safety metrics to provide an overview of your fleet’s safety performance. The two most essential safety reports are:

  • Speeding: With the help of AI, you can take proactive measures to identify drivers who habitually breach speed limits and provide safety training to instill responsible driving habits.
  • Distracted driving: Fleet safety reports reveal when drivers engage in activities other than driving—such as using mobile devices—potentially losing focus on the road. With this information, you can implement or adapt your safety policies to help drivers reduce distractions or more successfully ignore them.

Fleet Compliance Reporting 

These reports are essential for meeting regulatory requirements. The key areas to focus on are:

  • Electronic Logging Devices (ELDs): ELDs are crucial for complying with Hours of Service (HOS) regulations. AI fleet analytics gather and process data from the ELD, allowing you to see if drivers are accurately logging their driving hours and rest periods.
  • Vehicle inspections: Commercial vehicles undergo inspection at least once a year. If defects are found, the driver must submit a report informing the fleet manager of the deficiency. Managers can access these reports in the cloud, and—with the help of AI—see the inspection results and the action they need to take.
  • Violations: Keeping track of violations supports a compliant operation. AI fleet analytics help you generate reports monitoring different types of violations. These reports enable you to identify which drivers are habitual offenders so you can take timely corrective actions such as targeted training to promote better driving behavior.

Start Improving Fleet Operations with AI Fleet Analytics Today

Armed with the right fleet analytics, you have everything you need to improve fleet performance and your bottom line. Netradyne’s AI fleet management solutions deliver all the analytics, reporting, and benefits mentioned above. We are industry leaders in AI-driven fleet technology. Explore our Driver•i AI fleet management system and book a demo today to experience its advanced features and benefits.

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What if we told you that you could predict accident reduction over the next 12 months? Netradyne has built a groundbreaking mathematical model that accurately shows the direct correlation between improving GreenZone® scores and accident reduction. Watch the webinar to learn more
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