Dashcams have a long, colorful history. Its first use can be traced back to the late 1930s when a police officer mounted the very first windshield camera (as it was called then) to catch traffic violators.

These days, dashcams are a staple in nearly all vehicles in the United States and worldwide. According to a Grand View Research study, the global dashboard camera market size was $3.38 billion in 2021. That number is expected to grow by 9.5 percent by 2030, thanks to people’s increased awareness about road safety and insurance claims.

How Does the Driveri® AI Smart Dash Cam Work?

In the event of an accident, a dash cam is your best eyewitness on the road. It records details of a crash, exonerating drivers who may be wrongfully held liable for the mishap.

Driveri® fleet dash cam captures and analyzes road and in-cab conditions to provide fleet managers with real-time reports. For the best performance, Driveri® uses machine learning, artificial intelligence, and edge computing to collect data from different sources.

Driveri® includes up to four high-definition cameras that capture and analyze thousands of data points to help fleet managers and drivers better understand what’s happening on the road. This proactive measure allows drivers to become more alert, reducing the risk of an accident.

What Are the Features of the Driveri® AI Smart Dash Cam?

The Driveri® dash cam uses machine learning in analyzing and improving predictive analytics to help drivers enhance their driving skills and keep everyone safe on the road. If you are looking into a fleet management system, consider the following features:

  • Dedicated App – The Driveri® app allows fleet managers to assign weekly training sessions to help drivers improve their skills without having to pull them into the office. The training includes dash cam videos that drivers can watch on their own time. Every time a driver completes training, the system will log it into the portal for verification and record-keeping.
  • Captures 100% of drive time – Other dash cam systems only capture a small percentage of a driver’s drive time. With Driveri®, managers have access to the entire driving day. This gives managers deeper insight into driver behavior so they can make data-driven decisions on improving safety.
  • GPS tracking – A sound fleet management system has GPS tracking baked into its design. Netradyne’s fleet safety system combines GPS technology and telematics to identify vehicle location, speed, and engine status. This feature enables managers to improve their operations and keep their assets safe.
  • Recognizes positive and negative events – Constant negative feedback can demotivate drivers. Unlike other AI-powered dashcams, Driveri® records positive events so that drivers are recognized and rewarded for safe driving. The system assesses drivers’ actions (whether they stopped at the red light, followed a safe distance, etc.) and gives them corresponding scores for each positive driving event.
  • Advanced driver assistanceWhenever there are triggered events (unsafe following distance, overspeeding, hard braking, etc.), the system issues in-cab audio alerts to notify drivers. This real-time feedback helps decrease distracted driving and allows drivers to correct their driving behavior before they get into an accident.

Protecting Vehicles and Drivers

Drivers spend most of their time on the road. To fight boredom, a driver may turn on the radio or check a message on their phone. But a few seconds of distracted driving can lead to collisions.

Netradyne’s Driveri® can identify distracted driving behavior and address them through audio alerts. The smart dashcam’s HD quality cameras capture these incidents and send them to fleet managers. This feature enables managers to coach or retrain drivers to learn safe driving habits remotely.

During accidents, recorded footage can be submitted as proof to exonerate innocent drivers and mitigate verdicts if the driver is at fault.

Advanced AI for More Scenarios

While many fleet safety solutions are designed to record impaired driving, Driveri® does a lot more. This advanced vision-based dashcam not only detects unsafe driving but also gives drivers the autonomy to correct their behavior before sitting down with a safety manager to address the issue. This allows drivers and managers to have better relationships, all while promoting a safety culture at work.

In addition to providing visibility into a driver’s performance, Driveri® also motivates drivers and helps them succeed on their terms. Drivers can review the recorded footage and undergo necessary training (with or without the manager’s presence) to improve their driving. Moreover, the system rewards positive driving behavior through gamification programs to engage drivers and enhance retention.

Final Thoughts

Promoting a safety culture within the company and on the road is possible with Netradyne’s Driveri®. This advanced fleet safety solution can help improve retention and enhance safety in your fleet by providing drivers with the tools they need to succeed.

Although many fleet management systems focus on unsafe driving behaviors, Driveri® takes into account all the positive events that lead to a safe and better driving experience.

Learn more about how Netradyne’s fleet management system can help your business achieve peak safety.

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