April is here which means it’s a good time to honor Distracted Driving Awareness Month. This month brings to light how the driving decisions we make have a huge impact in road safety. With that, Netradyne is hosting a GreenZone Contest with a $500 cash prize to award a lucky driver for their contribution to making roads safer. View contest details at the bottom of this page.

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), in 2019 distracted driving was a reported factor in 8.5% of fatal motor vehicle crashes. And the National Safety Council states that more than 700 people a day are injured in distracted driving crashes.

The numbers are scary, especially when this danger could be avoided in the first place. In 2019 alone, 3,142 lives were claimed – a 10% increase from 2018. And in 2018, about 1 in 5 people whose lives were claimed were not in vehicles- they were walking, riding their bikes, or outside the vehicle.

What’s also interesting is the data we gathered in a recent report, Distracted Driving: A Survey of Commercial Drivers. We found that most commercial drivers believe that distracted driving is on the rise and nearly 1 in 4 drivers have been personally injured by distracted driving.

This goes to show how drivers behavior not only impacts them, but others around them. So it’s important to remember to practice proactive driving behavior and avoid distractions.

Here’s some tips on what to do to practice safe driving.

Distracted Driving Tips; The Do’s

  1. Put your cell phone on driving mode or pull over and stop to safely use it
  2. Be prepared; multitasking can be tempting but if you ride prepared, you won’t feel the need
  3. Actively monitor your speed and make sure you are aware of speed limits
  4. Tired? Avoid driving or pull over to rest
  5. Pay attention to other drivers; drive defensively
  6. Maintain your vehicle to ensure its best performance

“ Most commercial drivers believe that distracted driving is on the rise. Nearly 1 in 4 have been personally injured by distracted driving. “ – Netradyne Distracted Driving Report


How Netradyne Can Help

Implementing a video-based safety solution, like Driveri, can help reduce distracted driving and promote positive driving behaviors. Gathering data and patterns from inside and outside the vehicle, Driveri can help improve driver’s behavior and coach them where needed. With real time in-cab alerts, drivers can quickly adjust behavior as needed. And with automated coaching, Netradyne makes it easy to reward and correct driving behaviors.

GreenZone Contest!

Netradyne is hosting a contest to reward and show appreciation in honor of proactive drivers out there! Do you know a professional driver that excels at staying attentive while driving or has drastically reduced their distracted driving habits? If so, please nominate them on our social post here. A $500 cash prize goes to the winner, who will be randomly selected from the entries on April 28th! Contest rules can be found here.

Let’s unite and bring awareness to distracted driving. Remember, your positive driving actions can help reduce distracted driving and ultimately, make our roads safer.

Read the 9 Distracted Driving Mistakes to Avoid or Solutions to Texting and Driving to practice more safe driving behavior.

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