A highly functional and efficient fleet management software is crucial to running your truck delivery business. Unfortunately, fleet managers run into many problems and end up frustrated with their fleet management solution. Some problems they often run into include the lack of scalability, hard-to-reach customer service, and simple tasks that take too much time. Drivers on the field and in-house staff end up working with buggy, difficult technology on the software. If your business didn’t run into these problems, drivers could deliver transport services faster, managers faster in making crucial decisions, and customers experience overall satisfaction with your services.

What should fleet managers have when working with the best management software?

  • User-friendly experience or everyone’s ease in using the technology.
  • High-quality support, meaning customer service is reachable and available 24/7.
  • Cost-efficiency of all the services provided. It’s better to pay a little more for more services than cheap for an inefficient technology.
  • Profitability or how much ROI you can make from maximizing the fleet management software.

Look out for the following signs that indicate you aren’t getting a high ROI from your current management solution.

Can’t reach customer support

Your drivers are bound to run into problems late at night and early morning. Does your fleet management system offer 24/7 support or within hours that the company needs it? Is it easy to reach them or do you have a point person when there are software problems?

If your answer is no to any of these questions, then the fleet management software is not providing a crucial service for your business. Without customer support, you won’t be able to fix any sudden problems or get a better handle of the system as you’re learning it.

Unable to identify at-risk drivers

Driver safety is the foundation of any fleet company. If your fleet management software cannot recognize and point out risky driver behavior, then your business is a step closer to more accidents and higher insurance premiums. You’ll also end up with numerous complaints, put lives at risk, and have damage done on the vehicles. The software should help encourage defensive driving and offer fleet visibility showing their positive behaviors. If the fleet management solution cannot identify the at-risk drivers and help them on the road, then you’ll soon lose business and profit in the long run.

Unable to retrieve video

The footage from dash cameras accurately shows how drivers perform on the road. They’re also indisputable evidence in case of an accident and there are disputes to settle. If you are unable to immediately retrieve videos from external and internal cameras, then the fleet management software won’t be of much use. The videos also inform the driver’s overall performance, indicating the safe behaviors they should continue doing on the road. Video balances the negative and positive feedback that’s crucial to improving your driver’s career.

You don’t know what to do with your data

Is all the data presented confusingly? Does the app send the data too late or far too delayed instead of real-time? Does the software provide inaccurate data you cannot use to improve your fleet management? If you can only answer yes, then chances are you aren’t using or have given up on the data the fleet management software provides. Without usable data, you cannot provide valuable feedback to your drivers and make decisions that ensure safety on the road. Be sure to study the kind of data your next management solution offers and see how it applies to your fleet.

Drivers are complaining

Fleet drivers will use the software regularly. If they are constantly complaining, then you can expect them to leave and find a company that offers support from a reliable fleet management solution. You not only sacrifice ROI but also lose the skilled workers essential to operating your business. The fleet management software should be accessible and useful to its primary target: the drivers.

Adding modern functionalities is a challenge

If your phone’s operating system is constantly updating, the same is expected of a functional fleet management software. It should be easy for your solution to acquire new functionalities and integrate itself with other software. Otherwise, it’s time for you to explore software upgrade management.

Final Thoughts

The fleet’s high ROI depends on functional operations, smart management decisions, and satisfied drivers. An effective, efficient, and useful fleet management software helps you achieve the profit that grows your company. The solution should provide comprehensive and digestible data collected in real-time from your driver’s performance. Netradyne’s fleet safety cameras help you do just that with its advanced AI. Its technology improves profitability, increases retention, and enables transparency in your fleet—everything you want from fleet management software. If you want to know more, let us show you how.

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What are your chances of being hit with insurance rate hikes or a nuclear verdict? Building a positive safety culture could help mitigate risks. Join experts in technology, trucking, and law to see what steps you can take to build a positive safety culture.
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