Sharp Transit

Sharp Transit improves safety, saves manager time & stress through driver self-coaching.


Just five years ago, Sharp Transit, LLC’s crash rating was deficient per the FMCSA’s guidelines. Since then, it has improved by more than 50 percent. Sharp isn’t stopping there; Executive VP Skip Wood, who oversees all safety initiatives, has his sights set on a continued reduction in their CSA score. Wood gave us a few hints at how he plans to achieve that.

Driver safety is a top priority

Wood is no stranger to cameras, as Sharp has had them for years. He says, “Video plays a critical role in protecting us, and drivers know that. Cameras have saved them time and time again.”

With the help of Netradyne’s Driver•i® dash camera over the last year, Sharp reduced their CSA score by 21 points, and additionally, the fleet has been able to identify specific risky behaviors. Wood says the fatigue alert is one of the most important to them in identifying a high crash risk. He always encourages his drivers to rest first, and the company is committed to allowing immediate rest time when necessary or rescuing tired drivers when required. They also have an all-hours call center for their drivers that provides trained support for whatever needs may arise while they are on the road.

Our goal is to do everything we can to be safe on the road for the benefit of everyone.
— Skip Wood, EVP At Sharp Transit

Game-changing high score

Sharp is using Driver•i’s GreenZone® Score, a dynamic score that provides a comprehensive overview of a driver’s and fleet’s performance throughout the workday. To engage and reward their drivers, the company has established a “1,000 Points Club” for drivers with high scores to receive t-shirts, plaques, and recognition. Management also has plans to share driver video clips, with drivers’ permission, to inspire other drivers and showcase the value of the cameras.

The Driver•i cameras have been a game-changer for Sharp Transit. The majority of our drivers are competing with one another, trying to be the best. They compare scores in the driver’s lounge. And they are coaching themselves—that’s the best coach.
— Skip Wood, EVP At Sharp Transit

Additionally, a staggering 98 percent of the drivers are using the Driver•i mobile app to view and assess their performance. Their strategy? Each new hire is assigned the app immediately upon hiring. The app’s usage supports Sharp’s philosophy of complete transparency with their drivers. Wood says the daily driver scores they receive through the app help the drivers be the best they can be, and they feel more confident knowing that they’re doing well.

Top to bottom efficiency

Because of the self-awareness and coaching via the app, Wood has seen their lowest-performing driver become their top-performing driver in a short period of time. Due to the performance results and driver engagement, the fleet plans to shift their safety bonus to be solely based on the GreenZone Score.

Now we know who our high-risk drivers are, where we didn’t before. Driver·i is far superior to other cameras in terms of identifying high risk drivers and the drivers that excel. This is the premier system that, if utilized properly, you’ll definitely see results. And you’ll be able to sleep at night.
— Skip Wood, EVP At Sharp Transit

In addition to reducing incidents and risk, the cameras have streamlined driver management for Wood’s team. They focus their coaching time on the lowest performing drivers.

The biggest thing I’ve noticed is the reduction in phone calls and issues since implementing the Driver•i system. If we continue to prioritize our attention on drivers highlighted by the GreenZone alerts and scores (both high and low performers), we will see a dramatic improvement in overall performance.
— Skip Wood, EVP At Sharp Transit

Wood believes the other key to the company’s success is the guidance and support of the management team. “Success starts from the top, and I appreciate having such engaged leadership at all levels. They are incredibly supportive of the drivers and all staff members. They continually reinforce the vital role safety plays in our everyday operations.”

About Sharp Transit, LLC

Ben Sharp, the owner of Sharp Transit, has always invested resources to promote and support safety initiatives that matter, and cameras have been in use for over 10 years. Since the company’s inception in 2001, they have continued to work hard to ensure its success each and every day. Today, the company boasts over 280 tractors, 300+ refrigerated trailers, and a workforce of 500 employees. Sharp Transit has been a dedicated hauler for Aldi Grocery stores for 20+ years. Moving forward, Sharp has big plans for the future of the family-owned company, anchored in their core values of integrity, hard work, and unparalleled service.